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League Rules and Procedures

All participants should be familiar with:

  1. League Rules

  2. Procedures (for example, rescheduling postponed games, assigning pool/guest players, session player draft rules, election process, etc.) 

Rochester MN Senior Softball Rules

RMSS will play by the current year SSUSA rules including those listed below. 


No smoking or alcoholic beverages allowed on the playing field at any time. No glass containers of any kind are allowed in the park.


Playing Qualifications: With the primary concerns for:

  1. players safety

  2. competitiveness

  3. maintaining respect for the league.


All player candidates shall possess minimum ability and skills in Defense and Hitting.


Qualification for hitting

A player shall be able to hit a pitched softball (44 COR) to the outfield grass, either in the air or on the ground a minimum of 5 times out of 10 strikes pitched. The registration fee will be refunded if a player does not satisfy the qualification standards.


Qualification for playing a defensive position

In the interest of player safety, managers may recommend that a player with questionable skills participate in a qualification fielding test, to be performed by the Rules Committee members. For the standard fielding test, the candidate shall be able to catch a softball cleanly in 6 of 10 attempts. The ball is to be thrown from a distance of 65 feet and must be within arms reach.


Any player who is unable to pass the fielding test may be used only as a designated hitter and will not be allowed to participate in a defensive field position. The player may request a retest 1 time per each scheduled league session. If a player does not wish to serve in the capacity of a designated hitter, the registration fee will be refunded on request.


Defensive Play

Eleven players may be used defensively. Twelve players may be used only with the agreement of both managers. Absolutely no more than twelve players can be used.

Batting Order

 All players should be placed in the batting order.


Late Entry  

A player may enter a game at anytime during the game but must be inserted last in the batting order.  All pool players are to be put last in the batting order.

The Strike Mat

The strike mat is 19 inches wide by 34.5 inches deep.  The mat will be placed over home plate, aligned with the front edge.  A defensive player making a play at home plate will be allowed to complete the force out by touching any portion of the strike mat not just the home plate.


Pinch Runners

A team may use an unlimited number of pinch runners, but a player may only pinch run once an inning.  provided the ball is put in play (strikeouts do not count).  The exception will be if a walk occurs. Then a player can run as often as they'd like. A pinch runner is defined as a player running for a batter or for another base runner.  A runner is defined as someone running in the event of a walk. For a regular walk, the runner will take 1st base and any others on base will advance to the next base if applicable. If the walk is intentional, the runner goes to the empty base. Pinch runners will be allowed from the back screen for the batter. The pinch runner will be positioned behind the batter within arms length of the fence and with the lead foot on a line extending from home plate that runs directly from the pitcher's mound to home plate to the fence. The pinch runner will not break for first base until the ball has been batted.


If a pinch runner is on base when his turn to bat comes up he can be replaced by another runner.

Home Runs  1 + 1 Rule

The  first team to hit a home run cannot hit another one until the opposing team hits one, then the one up rule applies. Either team can hit one to go one up, this continues for the rest of the game.


Any home run hit in excess of the limit is considered a single, the ball is dead, and any runners advance 1 base.


Scoring Line

A scoring line is used instead of a scoring plate. The scoring line should be marked from approximately 6 feet from the front left corner of the strike mat, perpendicular to the 3rd base line and continue to the backstop fence.  The base runner's foot must be down on or down past the scoring line prior to the ball being received by a defensive player touching the strike mat for the scoring of a run. 

Commitment Rule

A commitment line 30 feet from the scoring line will be used.  Once a runner's foot touches the ground on or past this line the runner is committed to advancing to the scoring line and can no longer be tagged out.  If a runner from 3rd base gets within 30 feet of home plate, that runner is committed to continue home and cannot return to 3rd base.  Tag of the runner by a defensive player will not be allowed - the runner will be called safe and the ball remains live. If a runner touches or re-crosses the commitment line in an attempt to return to 3rd base, the runner will be declared out and the ball remains live.  

Outfield depth rule

All outfielders except the rover must stay behind the lightposts until the ball is hit. This is to give the older, slower runners a chance to get on base.


The only player that can shift to play all outfield positions is the rover. The left centerfielder, right centerfielder, shortstop, and second baseman have to stay on their side of second base until the ball is hit.  If playing with 12 defenders, the right and left rovers must also stay on their side of second base.  Only 1 rover (either left or right) may come into the infield and play on the dirt.  The other rover should be no closer to the infield dirt than halfway between the light posts and the dirt. 

When playing with 10 players.  If you choose to have a rover, three outfielders need to be behind the light poles and the rover can go anywhere.  When playing with 11 players, the four outfielders need to be behind the light poles and the rover can be anywhere.


Infielders depth rule

Infielders must be behind the first, second and third base bags until the ball is hit. This is to give the older slower runners a chance to get to base.

All games will be nine innings

The first eight innings will be played in two inning intervals. (this will save time).  Visiting team will bat for two innings followed by the home team batting for two innings. After eight innings the team behind will bat first for the final inning.


Run rule

There will be a five runs per inning rule with the exception  of the final inning.


The team trailing in the final inning, whether it be by one run or ten runs, will hit first in the final inning. The five run rule is waived in the final inning but the team hitting first can gain no more than a five run lead (this is basically a "Catch up rule").


The team hitting last in the final inning cannot win the game  if they trail by five runs. They will only be allowed to tie the game. 


When a game is tied after nine innings, the game will remain a tie.


A walk or base on balls occurs when the number of pitched balls reaches three.  An intentional walk is when runners are put on base to assist the defense by adding a force out at one or more bases, each runner added is in effect an intentional walk to the scheduled batter.  A walked batter (either by three pitched balls or intentional) always has the option of either taking first base or hitting again with a new ball and strike count. If the batter chooses to hit again then a runner will be inserted at first base in the batters place. Runners currently on base move forward one base, except when bases are loaded, all runners remain in place and a run is scored.  If the batter continues to be walked and continues to choose to hit again additional runners will be inserted each time the batter is walked.  An  intentional walk can only be requested by the defensive manager. Once the defensive manager requests an intentional walk he can’t change his mind.



Managers will be responsible for designating 2 to 3 qualified home plate umpires for each team.


The team at bat provides the home plate umpire who will  be responsible to make the calls at 1st, 2nd, 3rd and home. The home plate umpire may ask for help from the 1st base or 3rd base coach.  The final decision will be made by the home plate umpire.

 Infield Fly Rule

There will be no infield fly rule in the Monday and Wednesday recreational league only. 


Foul Tip

When the batter hits a foul tip or foul ball and it is caught by the catcher it is an out. ( It does not have to go over the batters head.)


Phantom Base

Runners who begin an at bat on 1st or 3rd base may use a phantom base for safety purposes.  The runner may get off the bag in foul territory if they are concerned about a pull hitter batting the ball towards them.  Once the ball is hit and you leave the phantom base you can continue directly to 2nd base or home.  However, if you need to tag up or return to your base, you must use the actual 1st or 3rd base bag.  Basically, once you leave the phantom base, your base then becomes the actual 1st or 3rd base bag. 

Pitcher Protection Rules

For the safety of the players a safety screen must be placed between the pitching rubber and home plate, 12 -14 feet away from the rubber (measured from the bottom bar) and centered on the pitcher.  This allows the pitcher to pitch from wherever they choose on the rubber.  The pitcher is required to stand on the rubber, behind the screen and pitch over the screen (not around the screen).  The pitcher's foot must be touching the rubber until the pitch is released.  The pitcher has to remain behind the screen until the ball has been batted. This rule will be for batting practice and the game. 


If a batted ball hits the pitcher's screen after being hit and not yet fielded by any player, it is a dead ball. No strike or ball is counted.


If a batted ball is in play and hits the screen after being thrown by a player, the ball remains in play.


If a pitched ball, immediately after exiting the pitcher’s hand, hits any part of the screen, the pitch will count as a ball.


It is highly recommended that the pitcher wear a mask and shin guards.

Illegal Pitch

There are 2 cases an illegal pitch can be called by the home plate umpire - a pitch that goes around the screen and not over the screen, and a pitch that is 12 feet or higher.  The pitching screen is 6 feet high so an illegal pitch is twice as high as the screen.  In both cases the home plate umpire should verbalize "Illegal" as soon as possible.  The umpire may extend a straight arm at shoulder height with a fist to indicate an illegal pitch.  An illegal pitch will be counted as a ball.  However, the batter has the option of swinging at an illegal pitch and if this occurs the ball is in play as though the illegal pitch was not called.  Normal play continues in this case.  A pitch cannot be called illegal after it hits the ground.  It is imperative the illegal pitch decision is made and called early by the umpire to give the batter enough time to properly make their decision to swing, knowing the pitch will be a ball if the batter chooses not to swing. 

Runner hit by batted ball while on base

If the runner is hit with a fair batted ball while touching a base, he is not out.  EFFECT: The ball is live or dead depending on the position of the fielder closest to the ball.  If the closest defensive player is in front of the base runner hit by the ball, the ball remains live.  However, after the runner in contact with the base is hit by the batted ball, it shall be the same as hitting the ground. Since the ball remains live, the defense is free to make whatever plays are available.  If the defensive player is behind the base runner, the ball is ruled dead, the hitter is awarded a base hit and runners are advanced only if forced to advance.
2. If the runner is hit by the ball while off base and before it passes an infielder (excluding the pitcher), the ball is dead and the hit runner is declared out.  The batter-runner is awarded first base without liability to be put out.

Face Mask Requirement

In our league the safety of our players is very important to us. By recommendations of managers, players, and if the safety committee feel the skills of a particular player would not protect him or herself from a hard thrown or batted ball, a player may be required to wear a face mask at all times during practice or regular games.
If such a player refuses to wear a face mask they will not be allowed to participate on defense. They may continue to play as a batter only. If the player decides not to play as a batter only, a pro-rated registration fee will be refunded to the player.

Civil Defense Warnings

During the civil defense warnings, typically at 10am on Wednesdays, play will be stopped during the sounding of the sirens.  This is a safety concern as defensive players cannot hear the ball off the bat or each other.  This is not an option, play must be stopped on all fields during the sirens.  Managers need to enforce.  


Player Conduct

Disruptive behavior by players will be addressed by the team managers on the field. Should such behavior continue, it will be brought to the attention of the Board for a vote to issue a written warning to the disruptive player. The warning will contain a statement indicating that continuation of disruptive behavior may result in dismissal from the league. The vote to warn the player shall be a 70% majority by the Board members in attendance at the Board meeting, and all Board members in attendance will sign the warning letter.


Should the disruptive behavior continue after the written warning, the issue will be brought to the attention of the Board for a vote to dismiss the player from the league. The Board vote shall be a 70% majority by the members in attendance at the Board meeting, and all Board members in attendance will sign the dismissal letter.


Should the disruptive behavior be significant and/or threatening, in the opinion of the Board, a letter of immediate dismissal may be issued without a written warning. This action must be based on a 70% majority vote by all Board members present at the meeting, and all Board members in attendance will sign the dismissal letter.


***Unresolved conflicts will be dealt with by the League Board and Rules Committee



RMSS Procedures

Cancelling games due to poor weather conditions

On game day, an appointed person will go to McQuillan fields to check for safe playing conditions - at approximately 7:30 AM. He will call the Assistant Field coordinator who will sign on to and send the appropriate e-mail indicating play/don’t play.

When a game has been cancelled via the broadcast RMSS e-mail note, team managers must call their team members who do not have access to e-mail.

If no e-mail has been sent out by 7:45 AM postponing the game, assume the game is on.


A cancelled game will not be re-scheduled.


When a game is interrupted by heavy rains/lightning, the Assistant Field Coordinators  will consult with the team managers and call a 10 minute game suspension to see if conditions improve to resume play. After the 10 minute delay, the player safety level of the fields will be evaluated and a decision to resume play or cancel the game will be made. The Field Coordinators will make that decision with input from team managers.

If 5 innings (4 1/2 innings if the home team is ahead) have been completed, the game will be declared complete and no cancellation will occur.

Handling donations to charities

Cash donations and checks made out to the specific charity may be given directly to a representative of the charity. Either a representative of the charity or an RMSS representative shall record the total amount of the donation to the charity. A brief letter documenting the total donation should be given to the charity representative and the total donation amount shared with league members via an email.

Immediately following the election of RMSS board members at the end of the season, the League Coordinator and new Treasurer must visit the RMSS bank along with the previous League Coordinator and League Treasurer to update names for valid check signers for the next season. This action, if needed, must take place prior to the next RMSS Board meeting following election of new officers and must be reported at that meeting.


  • All RMSS players are advised they may be asked, on a specific game day, to play with another team (other than on the team on which they were drafted for the current session). This would occur in order to have a more equal number of players on each team playing that day.

  • Teams for each session are formed by a player draft held roughly a week before the start of that session.  Roughly one week before the draft the League Coordinator shall send an email to all players asking for expected player absences for the upcoming session.  This information will be provided to the managers at the draft. 

  • For the purpose of team equity, all players will be rated based upon their playing skills. The ratings will be done by the team managers and will be kept confidential to the managers and the RMSS Board members.

  • Players will be rated as AA, A, B, C with AA being the top rating.

  • The ratings will be reviewed by the managers prior to each draft for any changes in player skills and for the addition of new players.

  • Drafted player reporting he/she will make a majority of the session games will be expected to make a majority of his/her game commitments barring injury or change in schedule/work commitments.

  • Monday/Wednesday only players

    • A Monday and Wednesday player chosen together counts as one pick until there are no Monday/Wednesday combinations available, then draft remaining Monday/Wednesday players as a single pick.

    • If a Monday/Wednesday only player comes to play on their non-designated day, they become a pool player for that day.

  • Players who have been injured and are out for the remainder of the sessions shall be removed from the draft list.

  • Teams with a player injured during a session that will miss the remainder of the session may be compensated with a pool player, if the pool player is within one player ranking up or down of the injured player.

  • Players reporting limited availability of less than 50% of the games made, injury, sitting out, or drop-in only for a session shall be put into a group and drafted after all other players have been drafted in the session. This list shall be compiled prior to the start of the session draft.

Draft Process

  • Manager’s randomly choose their draft position number. 

  • Draft is conducted in a snake order – 1 thru 8, 8 thru 1, repeat - until the start of Round 11. The remaining rounds will be done in the original 1-8 order. 

  • AA managers pick themselves in Round 2

  • A managers pick themselves in Round 5

  • B & C managers pick themselves in Round 9

  • All non-limited availability players are picked.  Limited availability players are picked after the last non-limited availability player continuing in the draft order.

Game Day Manager Meeting

  • The game day manager’s meeting shall be held 15 minutes prior to the start of the games. Pool players shall remain at the playing field and should not be brought to the manager’s meeting. Manager’s meeting shall be for game day managers and game/league coordinator only.

  • Teams short of players should not get an unfair advantage from the pool player (or adopted player from another team) selection process.

  • The number of players needed to move to even out teams less the number of available pool players shall be determined at the manager’s meeting.  This number will be represented by X.

  • The team record, worst to best, will determine the picking order (only for teams with fewer than X players). Continue selecting until all teams get X players (they drop out when they hit X). When all teams have at least X players, the remaining pool/guest players get selected again by team record, best to worst, regardless of how many players they have.

  • If a team remains short of X players after all available pool/guest players have been selected, that team may select a player from another team having more than X players. The team with more than X players can protect 10 of its players plus the team manager from being selected to play for another team. If there is more than one team being short of X players, the order of selection is again by record, worst to best.

  • At game time, a team manager with an insufficient number of players may ask the team they are playing to fill defensive position(s) for them in order to equalize the number of players in defensive positions. In this case, the supplied defensive player continues to bat only for his actual team.

  • Managers need to make every attempt not to place the same players up for adoption to other teams each game. The league recognizes this is a tough situation to be in both as a player, and as a manager that needs to try and field a competitive team also.

  • Opposing managers have the option of “evening” out teams on their field if, for example, one team has 14 and the other has 12, but are not required to do so.  If a player needs to leave a game early and their team needs a defensive replacement, the opposing team will provide players to fill an agreed upon position.

Rochester Minnesota Senior Softball Elections

  1. Elections for Executive Board members of the Rochester Minnesota Senior Softball (RMSS) League shall be held on the second to last regularly scheduled softball game of the calendar year.

    1. Election results shall be made available on the last regularly scheduled season game of the calendar year and all elected Board members shall be installed on that date, to begin serving their term on January 1 of the next year.

  2. Eligible voters may vote by paper ballot on election day or by absentee ballot prior to election day.

    1. Absentee ballots shall be obtained from the League Coordinator and returned to the League Coordinator.

  3. An Election Committee of at least three (3) members shall be appointed by the League Coordinator prior to the start of the election process.

    1. No person who is seeking elected office can be appointed to the election committee.

  4. Duties of the Election Committee:

    1. At the beginning of the final softball session of the season a list of all positions of the Executive Board up for election and a description of each position's duties shall be distributed or by E-Mail to all voting league members.

    2. The Election Committee will also serve as the nominating committee and then shall seek nominations after the position’s description list has been distributed (see above).

    3. On election day the Election Committee shall have a list of all eligible voters and shall hand out one paper ballot per eligible voter and then shall mark by that person's name that they have received a ballot.

    4. After all ballots have been returned it shall be the duty of the Election Committee to count all ballots, record the results, and report the results.

  5. All ballots shall, after counting, be retained for one (1) full year by the League Secretary and then destroyed. 

Lifetime Achievement Award Process

Lifetime Achievement Awards are presented to RMSS league members who have upheld the core RMSS values of Fun, Fitness and Fellowship. They have held leadership positions such as committee members, Executive Board positions, managers and/or lead or participated in RMSS fund raising and charitable activities. A Lifetime Achievement Award is recognition for exemplary service to RMSS over an extended period of years.

A Nominating committee consisting of Current & Past League Coordinators and the Special Assistant to the Coordinator nominates 2 candidates each year. A nominating committee member cannot be one of the nominated candidates. The candidates are named at the July Board meeting.

The Executive Board consisting of the League Coordinator, Past League Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity Directors (2), Field Coordinators (2), Web Director and Rules Director each get 1 vote.

70% (7 votes) are required for a candidate to be chosen for a Lifetime Achievement Award. If a candidate is on the Executive Board, their vote automatically goes for themselves.

The vote is conducted privately, in person, by the League Coordinator prior to the August Board meeting.

The results of the vote is made known to the Executive Board after the voting is completed, no later than the August Board meeting.

If a candidate receives the required 70% of the votes, a plaque is purchased and presented to the Lifetime Achievement Award recipient at the end of season picnic in September. As much as possible
the recipient is kept confidential until the picnic. If no candidate receives 70% of the vote there will be no Lifetime Achievement Award recipient for that year.


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