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Charlie's Eatery

February 28, 2022

(March meeting) 

Meeting called to order at 11:30 am by Coordinator Mike Ewen 

Members present

Mike Ewen, Chuck Brand, Dave Zemke, Dave Warnke, Gary Oldenburg, Gary Thomas, Jim Goodman, John Bowron 

Discussion on use of formal Parliamentary Procedures for board meetings, do we use it properly as stated in by-laws, or change to other form or process. Tabled to next meeting due to low board member turnout. 

Secretary’s report was approved 

Treasurer’s report

$5320.96 in checking, $970.66 in designated fund. Report was approved. 

Rules committee

Not in attendance, discussion on distance for rovers/outfielders due to new lighting system at McQuillan. Agreed to use 1st light pole on all fields even though the distances between fields are slightly different. 

Special Assistant Report

Ben Borgen not in attendance – Dome tournament scheduled for March 24-25.  RMSS manning beer stand at upcoming pool tournament – volunteers needed. 

Publicity Directors Report

New updated cards and flyers have been ordered. 


Joe Koerner not in attendance – per Mike Ewen a few changes are being worked on. 

Old Business

Banners at Graham Arena 

Chuck Brand updated on costs/options available. Tabled to next meeting due to low board members present. 

Sponsor commitment update 

Shorewood has agreed to pay the full $300 fee, 8 committed sponsors, 4 fees have been collected, 4 are outstanding but should have majority in next couple of weeks. 

Need to order new uniforms for Shorewood – 17 shirts – need to contact Shorewood for uniform color. 

Approve Team Managers for 2022

To be addressed at April Meeting due to low numbers. 6 are approved, we do have 2 potential candidates for the remaining spots but one is only if you need me. 

Shirt, Hat and Banner order

To be addressed at April Meeting due to low numbers. Hats are good. 

New Business

Updated registration forms are on the website 

Equipment and supplies

Equipment is good to go. Dave Zemke working on chalk order. Not available through Ace Hardware this year- alternative is vendor in Sauk Rapids (Evasti). Price per bag about $13 (similar to last year – but would have shipping costs or need to pick up) Also looking into option of spray chalk. Will do more research and report at April meeting. 

AED update

John Bowron received replacement pads and current AED is now good until 2024. 

Parliamentary procedure update tabled to next meeting. 

Spring Training at McQuillan will start after dome season and weather permitting – need volunteer(s) to open and get out equipment. 

Sign up for outdoor softball will be held at the dome on Mon/Wed during dome season, and at the board meeting in April, and at outdoor spring training. Also, will look at other options, other than morning sign-ups, but now can be done via mail, e-mail and online… online payments also available. 

Sign up deadline is April 27th at 11am after spring training. Draft to be held at McQuillan on April 27th at 11am (weather permitting). 

Dome ball update: Monday averaging about 30 -35 players. Wed league 40-45 active participants. 3 teams is still working at this point. Plan is to stay at that unless significant growth in number. 2nd session begins March 16 and runs through end of season. 

Next board meeting at Charlie’s at 12:30 on Wed. April 13. 

Meeting Adjourned. 

Respectfully submitted electronically,

Dave Zemke – acting secretary.

RMSS Secretary (Acting)

Any comments or concerns regarding these minutes should be directed to the League Coordinator. You are also encouraged to attend the RMSS board meetings to voice your comments and concerns.

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