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Charlies Eatery

February 21, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 12:35 pm by League Coordinator Jim Goodman.


Board Members: Jim Goodman, Chuck Brand, Melissa Doe, Gary Oldenburg, Ernie Hain, Deb Warnke, Kent Bruinsma, Gary Thomas, Ben Borgen, Bill Sutter, Mike Ewen and Bobette Pronk.

GUEST’S : Bill VonWald, Bill Miller, Joe Kluck, David Meixner, Curt Callstrom, and Randy Stocker.

SECRETARY’S REPORT:  The Secretary's report for the January 17, 2024 meeting was emailed in pdf format prior to the Board meeting for members to review. Motion made by Deb Warnke, seconded by Ben Borgen and approved to accept the Secretary's Report.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurer's report for the January 17, 2024 meeting was emailed in pdf format prior to the Board meeting for members to review. Ernie Hain presented these end of month balances and RMSS current account balances at the meeting. Checking account $6,718.40 and designated funds $1,795.35. Motion made by Ben Borgen, seconded by Ernie Hain and approved to accept the Treasurer's Report.


Bill Sutter reported on a rule with a player on base and being hit by a ball.


Ben Borgen reported he has heard nothing from the Peterson estate on a donation. RMSS will once again be doing the D&R pool tournament April 18-20. Gary Thomas is looking into the koozies that we sell at the pool tournament. Ben also reported he will once again request Minnesota Twins tickets.


Gary Thomas reported he is going to talk to Joe Koerner about people scanning the QR code and trying to see if we are getting some people this way. We will once again hang our banner in the Rec Center.


Joe Kluck reported nothing happening right now.


1. Randy Stocker presented to the Board that the music group Sequoia South will be performing at Rochesterfest June 26-27 but they would also like to entertain at a different venue and was wondering if RMSS would be interested in hosting something. A motion was made by Ben Borgen, that we move our summer picnic to June 26 and have the band entertain us during this time. Motion seconded by Gary Oldenburg and approved to move our summer picnic to June 26. Jim Goodman will reserve the McQuillan pavilion and get the new summer picnic date on our calendar.

2. Randy also brought up a Fun Night is planned for June 26, 27 and 28 for young people as part of Rochesterfest. RMSS tentatively asked to have us included in this event and will discuss further next month. A committee to look into this will consist of Joe Kluck, Randy Stocker and Ben Borgen.


1. Jim Goodman will work on getting volunteers for the Equipment and Picnic committees.

2. Jim Goodman reported that he and Ernie Hain went to Think Bank and got things changed over to Jim from Mike Ewen.


1. Bylaw update under Article 5 and 6. Jim Goodman will add another line and bring back next month.

2. Ben Borgen will coordinate ordering RMSS merchandise.

3. Jim Goodman will update the 2024 Activity Calendar and Schedule and bring next month.

4. A survey was sent out concerning the new summer division. Twenty-one players answered yes to the new division and 21 answered maybe. Around 91 replied back. We need at least 30 players interested in the new division and 90 in the competitive division. A committee was formed to work on the new division and report back. The committee consists of Deb Warnke, Bill VonWald, Ben Borgen, Bobette Pronk and Ernie Hain. Ben will chair the committee.


3. Player directory photos. Joe Kluck and Kent Bruinsma will update the directory. Kent and Joe will be the coordinators for our Facebook page.

4. Bobette Pronk brought a fund raising proposal from RYFSA as we did last Fall for them. Ben Borgen made a motion and Gary Oldenburg seconded it that we commit to one weekend in the Fall and express interest in a summer tournament. Motion carried. Bobette will come back with the dates for the summer tournaments.

5. Media and recruitment plans. Gary Thomas and Melissa Doe will hang posters at the RAC and handed out some posters to other board members to hang in different businesses.

6. Jersey and hat orders. A motion was made by Ben Borgen, seconded by Gary Oldenburg to order 20 new hats for new players. Teams getting new jerseys this year are Edward Jones and C&M Screen Printing. Motion made by Mike Ewen, seconded by Deb Warnke to order Edward Jones jerseys from Superior Screeners and C&M Screen Printing from C&M. Motion approved.

7. Managers for 2024 were discussed. First session will be Chuck Brand for Black's, Ed Butler for Eagles, Bill Gosse for Shorewood, Deb Warnke for Charlie's Eatery, Casey Doe for Edward Jones, Randy Stocker for C&M and Tom Kowalewski for Thrivent/Bob's Construction. Jim Goodman will ask Jim Chihak to manage first session for Prime Time. Mike Weist will do sessions two, three and four. Dave Zemke will manage sessions two, three and four for Thrivent/Bob's Construction. A motion was made by Gary Oldenburg and seconded by Deb Warnke to bring back next month for approval. Motion approved.

8. Ben Borgen made a motion to order 200 koozies from Discount Mug for the D&R tournament. Motion seconded by Gary Thomas. Motion approved.

9. Registration/waiver form needs to go out for the summer sessions. Ernie Hain will handle getting the forms ready.

Next board meeting is March 21.

Motion made by Deb Warnke and seconded by Kent Bruinsma to adjourn at 2:45 pm. Motion approved.

Respectfully submitted electronically

Bobette Pronk,

RMSS Secretary

Any comments or concerns regarding these minutes should be directed to the League Coordinator. You are also encouraged to attend the RMSS board meetings to voice your comments and concerns.

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