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McQuillian Field

August 23, 2023

The meeting was called to order at 11:11 pm by League Coordinator Mike Ewen.


Board Members: Mike Ewen, Chuck Brand, Ernie Hain, Jim Goodman, John Bowron, Deb Warnke, Joe Koerner, Bill Sutter, Dave Warnke, Gary Oldenburg, Gary Thomas and Bobette Pronk.

GUESTS: Joe Kluck and Curt Callstrom.

SECRETARY’S REPORT:  Report received.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Ernie Hain reported a balance of $7,938.90 in the RMSS checking account. There is $1,543.87 in the designated account and $3,065.95 in the non-designated account. Report received.


Bill Sutter reminded everyone when playing with 10 players, if you choose to have a rover, three outfielders need to be behind the light poles and the rover can go anywhere. When playing with 11 players, the four outfielders need to be behind the light poles and the rover can be anywhere.


Ben Borgen was absent but had told Mike Ewen he had no more Twins tickets. He also told him that Dome tournments are scheduled for January 12-13 and March 23-24. It was also reported that RTCT has hired a new coordinator for the Dome and some things have changed.


Chuck Brand reported that six 12x24 magnetic signs will cost $165 and he was instructed to purchase them.


Joe Koerner reported that he has added the 70's team to the home page.


1. An additional AED has been received from Mike Podein. The one currently on field 2 will now be put on field 5. Mark also told us that the older one is fine for another year or two so will not order a new one at this time.

2. AED and First Aid Class has been completed.


1. Young Guns vs RMSS was played on July 22. Jim Goodman reported it was successful and could possibly be a annual event.

2. Pitching screen netting – Joe Kluck reported that he has the netting and will do field 3 first with Gary Oldenberg.

3. Board positions for 2024 that have been filled are League Coordinator Jim Goodman and Kent Bruinsma will fill John Bowron's position. Chuck Brand announced that he is stepping down so need to find someone for his position yet.

4. The Audit Committee will consist of Joe Kluck, Dennis Essler and Mark Podein.

5. The Election Committee are Tim Allen and Christine Richardt.


1. Mike Ewen announced the Lifetime Achievement Award winner for this year is John Bowron.

2. Mike Ewen reminded managers to invite their sponsors for the end of the year picnic.

3. Election for the Board positions will be held September 20.

4. Our charity for the end of season picnic will be the Alzheimer's Association. Next year it was suggested it be ABC. $500 will be donated to the Alzheimer's Association.

5. Deb Warnke suggested that we use 11 inch balls for the women. Dave Warnke made a motion to try them for one session. Seconded by Ernie Hain and approved. Amendment to the motion was made to include 80 year olds. That died for lack of a second. One dozen 11 inch balls will be purchased.

6. Bobette Pronk brought a request from the Rochester Youth Fastpitch Board to help rake and drag fields at the Youth Fastpitch Complex October 1, 7 and 8. Four people would be needed from 8:30-5:30 but could be broken up during the day. We could do all three days or just one. We would receive $500 a day. Mike Ewen will send out a email to the players to see if there is any interest.

Next meeting will be September 20.

Meeting adjourned at 12:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted electronically

Bobette Pronk,

RMSS Secretary

Any comments or concerns regarding these minutes should be directed to the League Coordinator. You are also encouraged to attend the RMSS board meetings to voice your comments and concerns.

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