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Charlie's Eatery

November 16, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 12:05 pm by League Coordinator Mike Ewen.


Board Members: Mike Ewen, Chuck Brand, Ben Borgen, Ernie Hain, Jim Goodman, Gary Oldenburg, Randy Kahl, John Bowron, Gary Thomas, Dave Warnke, Bill Gosse, Joe Koerner and Bobette Pronk.

GUESTS: Bill Beaupre, Joe Kluck and Tom Kowalewski.

SECRETARY’S REPORT:  Report received.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Ernie Hain reported a balance of $5,065.71 in the RMSS checking account. There is $1,562.39 in the designated account and $3,183.76 in the non-designated account. Report received.


Joe Koerner reported that Joe Kluck is helping him out. Dome information about 99% ready to go.


Chuck and Gary reported the banner is up at the Rec Center.


Ben reported the non email guys will play Dome Ball. He also took Duane Peterson his banner and he was well pleased with it. He has scheduled Dome tournaments for Jan 12-13, 2023 and March 23-24, 2023.


Bill reported the Rules Committee will be meeting in March.


1. Mike has heard nothing back from Mark Podein concerning the AED.

2. Coolies will not be needed until next year.


1. Draft and managers committee met today and will come back with recommendations after the new year.

2. Mike will set up a more formal process for the Lifetime Achievement Awards.

3. Mike will send out something later about formalizing the Equipment Committee.

4. Repairs need to be done to pitching screens on fields two and four. Equipment Committee will handle.

5. Mark Podein working on the first aid kit.

6. Jim Goodman reported the Dome is up and appears ready to go. He is working on how many teams there will be according to the responses that were received back.


1. Ernie handed out the proposed budget for 2023. He will bring it back in January to vote on.

2. Joe Kluck brought a new pitching screen proposal to the Board. He suggested going to a single layer of baseball netting which would cost approximately $75-$100 a screen. Gary Oldenberg will pick up a screen from field 2 and experiment with it at the Dome. It was also suggested that one could put a ball bag in the front of the screen to hold it in place when windy.

3. Mike sent out a change to how we handle charity donations in the future. Everyone agreed with the new proposal.

4. During Dome games the board meetings will start 12:30 pm at Charlie's.

5. A survey will be sent out to get input for position game/playoffs at the end of each session.

6. There will be no meeting in December.

Meeting adjourned at 1:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted electronically,

Bobette Pronk

RMSS Secretary

Any comments or concerns regarding these minutes should be directed to the League Coordinator. You are also encouraged to attend the RMSS board meetings to voice your comments and concerns.

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