Charlie's Eatery
November 11, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 12:05 pm by President Randy Kahl.
Board Members: Randy Kahl, Ernie Hain, Mike Ewen, Jim Cook, Ben Borgen, John Bowron, Bill Sutter, Chuck Brand, Bill VonWald, Joe Koerner, Gary Oldenburg and Bobette Pronk.
Guests: Bill Gosse, Tom Kowalewski, Dave Zemke, and Bill Beaupre.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: The Secretary’s report for the October 14, 2020 meeting was e-mailed prior to the Board meeting for members to review. Motion made by Ben Borgen, seconded and approved to accept the Secretary's Report.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Ernie Hain reported a balance of $4,846.67 in the RMSS account. There is $55.66 in the Designated account. Nothing outstanding. Motion made by Ben Borgen, seconded and carried to approve treasurer's report.
Jim Cook reported he had some sample printouts for new caps for next year which is the 15th anniverary of RMSS.
Ben Borgen reported no date for Dome ball yet. He suggested we have a merchandise sale the first few days of Dome ball. Gary Oldenburg made a motion to sell merchandise at half price, seconded and approved.
Bill Sutter had nothing new to report.
Joe Koerner reported nothing new and the screen wording has been updated.
John Bowron reported he had the bats, balls and santizers at his house.
Ernie Hain suggested that sponsors who paid full price this year pay half next year. It will be discussed next year in February or March.
Ernie Hain brought up the budget and Dave Zemke made a motion to add a line item for $1500 for memorabilia for next year. Seconded by Chuck Brand and approved.
Ernie Hain brought up getting a new AED which runs about $1300. Gordy Haubenschild will be contacted and it was tabled until a later meeting.
Randy Kahl reported next year we will have four sessions with 10 weeks in each session with the first game May 3.
New shirts were discussed for Prime Time Health. They will run about $360. Bill Beaupre will look into.
Dave Zemke proposed the bylaws be changed to merge summer ball and dome ball as one so we can use the same insurance, etc. Dave had previously sent out the revised bylaws. Motion by Ernie Hain, seconded by Chuck Brand and approved the revised bylaws.
Randy thanked Phil Castrovinci for his term on Public Relations and welcomed Chuck Brand.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:05 pm by Dave Zemke, seconded by Gary Oldenburg and approved.
Respectfully submitted electronically,
Bobette Pronk
RMSS Secretary
Any comments or concerns regarding these minutes should be directed to the League Coordinator. You are also encouraged to attend the RMSS board meetings to voice your comments and concerns.