McQuillian Park
May 11, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 11:30 pm by League Coordinator Mike Ewen.
Board Members: Mike Ewen, Chuck Brand, Ben Borgen, John Bowron, Joe Koerner, Deb Warnke, Gary Thomas, Gary Oldenburg, Dave Zemke, Dave Warnke, Jim Goodman, Bill Gosse, Ernie Hain, Al Delacy, Randy Kahl and Bobette Pronk.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: The Secretary’s report for the April 13, 2022 meeting was approved.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Ernie Hain reported a balance of $7,771.89 in the RMSS checking account. There is $1270.66 in the Designated account and $2,543.96 in the Non-designated fun. Expenses to be paid yet are the picnics, advertisements, trophies, softballs and bats. Approved Randy Kahl checking with Dick Gosse on ordering two cases of softballs.
Joe Koerner reported that Chuck and Peg Brand are helping with pictures. Still looking for someone to help with the website. Report approved.
Chuck reported he is working with Ed at the Rec Center for our flyers. Business cards are available. Report approved.
Ben reported we earned $791.00 at the D&R pool tournament. There are eight hats left, approved to order 10 with the new logo on. Gary Thomas will make some more coolies. Report approved.
Mike talked to Bill Sutter (could not attend meeting) and he wanted to remind managers that if a batter wants to take a walk on three balls, it is an intentional walk. Also that when playing with 10 players, the four outfielders have to be behind the pole. If playing with 11, one could be on the dirt. Can only ever have five on the dirt. Report approved.
1. Game day checker will be Scott Hanson.
2. Update on banners for Graham Arena, not doing them.
1. Dave Warnke made a motion that all player registration forms for player participation shall be submitted to the league representative no less than 48 hours (2 days) prior to any league draft. If the player does not submit the registration form, with fees, prior to the deadline, they cannot be drafted and shall be placed in the pool for that session. No exceptions. Seconded by Deb Warnke. After a lengthy discussion a vote was taken with seven in favor, seven opposed, two abstained from voting. Motion failed.
2. Next draft is May 25. Players need to be registered by May 25 at 11:00. Jim Goodman will not be at the draft so Mike Ewen will draft for him,
3. Article 3, Section 4 of the bylaws needs to updated on the website to what we voted on at a previous meeting.
4. Concerning pictures on the website. Ask if they want their picture taken for the directory/website. It was approved to take the question off the registration form.
5. Dave Zemke brought some paint for the fields and it did not work well so will just use it on field two until gone. It was approved to purchase barn lime for $4.00 a bag. This expense will come out of the designated fund. Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 12:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted electronically,
Bobette Pronk
RMSS Secretary
Any comments or concerns regarding these minutes should be directed to the League Coordinator. You are also encouraged to attend the RMSS board meetings to voice your comments and concerns.