McQuillian Field
June 21, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 11:29 pm by League Coordinator Mike Ewen.
Board Members: Mike Ewen, Chuck Brand, Ernie Hain, Jim Goodman, John Bowron, Deb Warnke, Joe Koerner, Randy Kahl, Ben Borgen, Bill Sutter, Dave Warnke, Gary Oldenburg and Bobette Pronk.
GUESTS: Joe Kluck, Curt Callstrom and Kari Goodman.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Report received.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Ernie Hain reported a balance of $8,395.08 in the RMSS checking account. There is $1,543.87 in the designated account and $2,546.95 in the non-designated account. Report received.
Bill Sutter reported we need to remember that the orange base is used for the offensive player and the white base is by the defensive player. Mike Ewen will add this to the Rules and Procesures.
Ben Borgen reported he has zero Twin tickets available right now but hopes to get more soon.
Chuck Brand reported he has been passing out business cards and starting to work on the picnic.
Joe Koerner reported that he has been experimenting with classified ads on our Facebook account. Also working on different techniques to better our website.
1. AED-nothing new, Mike Ewen will talk to Mike Podein.
2. Bylaw and Procedure updates done.
3. New mask and replacements – John Bowron reported he ordered a new strap and that the mask from the Dome disappeared. There is a mask on every field and John has a new one at home.
4. Randy Kahl ordered the new softballs and John Bowron has them.
1. Young Guns vs RMSS game will be on July 22 with batting practice starting at Noon.
2. Pitching screen netting – Joe Kluck reported that the double netting has been positive. He has talked to a representative about netting that is used by the major baseball leagues. If we would ever replace our current netting it would cost approximately $150.00. It was felt we would fix as needed with field 5 first. Joe will work with Gary Oldenburg and get a sample first.
1. There was discussion on revising the player conduct process. Dave Warnke suggested a 70% vote instead of a unanimous decision of the executie board members. Randy Kahl made a motion to have 70% vote of executive board members. Gary Oldenburg seconded, motion passed.
2. Pre-game dispersal of equipment. It was decided to have the visiting team pick up the equipment and put on their respective field before each game. Mike Ewen will send out a email to remind people to follow up with this procedure
3. Chuck Brand working on first summer picnic July 12.
4. No games in Stewartville this year.
5. Player safety concerns. Players that need to wear masks are reminded that they need to wear them during batting practice as well.
6. New league sponsor is All Pro Pavers and Retaining Walls.
7. Everyone was in agreement to the email that Mike Ewen sent out on change to team balance.
8. Ernie has had several drop-in players who have never returned.
9. Joe Kluck asked what we need to do to encourage that the Dome be put up when the time arrives. Ben Borgen will check into it.
10. Mike Ewen will talk to Mark Podein about a first aid class.
Next meeting will be July 17.
Meeting adjourned at 12:53 pm.
Respectfully submitted electronically
Bobette Pronk,
RMSS Secretary
Any comments or concerns regarding these minutes should be directed to the League Coordinator. You are also encouraged to attend the RMSS board meetings to voice your comments and concerns.