Eagles Club
June 16, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 11:00 pm by League Coordinator Mike Ewen.
Board Members: Mike Ewen, Chuck Brand, Ben Borgen, John Bowron, Joe Koerner, Deb Warnke, Gary Thomas, Gary Oldenburg, Dave Warnke, Jim Goodman, Ernie Hain,
Randy Kahl and Bobette Pronk.
GUESTS: Carrie Goodman
SECRETARY’S REPORT: The Secretary’s report for the May 11, 2022 meeting was accepted.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Ernie Hain reported a balance of $7,176.229 in the RMSS checking account. There is $2,062.39 in the Designated account and $2,873.56 in the Non-designated fun. One outstanding check for barn lime yet. Report accepted.
Joe Koerner reported that Chuck and Peg Brand are working on pictures for the website with him. The schedule for this session will not be revised. Report accepted.
Chuck Brand and Gary Thomas had nothing to report.
Ben reported on helping clean out Duane Peterson's house. From expenses incurred from hauling things to the dump and recycling center there was $260.00 left over and Duane insisted that be put into the checking account to be used for the picnic. There was a proposal to possibly charter a bus and take a few ball players who would want to go and Duane up to a Twins game. Ben will talk to Matt on what kind of costs we are looking at. Ben changed the orders for new hats from 10 to 15. Tony Speltz will buy pizzas for June 27. The banner hanging by the entrance to McQuillan looks in poor shape so Randy Kahl proposed getting a new banner. Report accepted.
Bill Sutter was absent but there was discussion on how many outfielders and how many rovers. It was decided to stay with four outfielders and one rover. Report accepted.
1. Rec Center flyers-Chuck meeting with Rec Leader on Friday. Moving forward, not resolved.
2. Randy Kahl ordered two cases of softballs, done.
3. Ben Borgen ordered 15 new hats, done.
4. Gary Thomas has enough material for 50 more coolies. RMSS will reimburse him for the material.
1. Discussed the July 13 picnic and naming it after Duane Peterson who is contributing $260 towards it. Expect around 120 people. Chuck and Gary will figure out the menu and get back to the Board.
2. Jim Goodman will coordinate getting the equipment to Stewartville for our July 27 games.
3. RMSS sponsor contacts should contact the sponsors for our July 13 picnic.
4. There was a proposal to change the material used in our pitching screens to better see through them. After discussion, it was decided to leave the pitching screens as they are. Maybe redesign the current netting when needed.
5. There was some discussion on runners for batters. As the rule states one runner per inning for a batter. Mike Ewen will send a email to all the players reminding them.
6. Jim Goodman reported he will be missing several games and will ask Craig Anderson to manage for him. On July 11 draft day he will be traveling and can participate to a point so Gary Thomas agreed to help him out.
7. Randy Kahl sent around a flyer for Miracle Field as a possible future charity.
8. Ernie Hain bought up that some of the score boards need repair. It was also discussed that some of the league bats need the grips repaired. One field only has one bat so John Bowron has extra field bats and will bring one for that field. There should always be two bats on every field.
Meeting adjourned at 12:29 pm.
Respectfully submitted electronically,
Bobette Pronk
RMSS Secretary
Any comments or concerns regarding these minutes should be directed to the League Coordinator. You are also encouraged to attend the RMSS board meetings to voice your comments and concerns.