Charlie's Eatery
January 3, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 12:00 pm by League Coordinator Mike Ewen.
Board Members: Mike Ewen, Chuck Brand, Bill Sutter, Ben Borgen, Ernie Hain, John Bowron,
Joe Koerner, Deb Warnke, Gary Thomas, Gary Oldenburg, Dave Zemke, Dave Warnke and
Bobette Pronk.
GUESTS: Bill VonWald
The Secretary’s report for the December 8, 2021 meeting was emailed prior to the Board meeting for members to review. One change under New Business, line 4, change AD to AED. Motion made by Ben Borgen, seconded by Gary Oldenburg and approved to accept the Secretary's Report.
Treasurer Ernie Hain reported a balance of $2,420.96 in the RMSS checking account. There is $970.66 in the Designated account. Motion made by Dave Warnke, seconded by Ben Borgen and approved to accept the treasurer's report.
Joe Koerner reported that since both the Dome and Summer updates are on the same website, it has caused some minor difficulties but he is working through them. He would like feedback from board members if it is hard to navigate. Motion made by Dave Zemke, seconded by Ben Borgen and approved to accept the Website Report.
Chuck Brand and Gary Thomas reported they have looked into banners at Graham Arena and Rec Center and have visited both sites. Waiting for cost and size that we could do. Motion made by Ben Borgen, seconded by Dave Warnke and approved to accept the Public Relations Report.
Ben Borgen reported that he has been working on banners with Chuck and Gary for Graham Arena and Rec Center. Deb Warnke also communicated with 125 Live about a banner and we could only put one in the warm water area there. Rec Center would charge $150.00 annually but could possibly get a discount. Waiting for word back from 125 Live. Deb will follow up with 125 Live. Salvation Army's Go to Bat was a huge success raising over $4,902.00. Motion by Gary Thomas, seconded by Ernie Hain and approved to accept the Special Assistant Report.
Bill Sutter reported he will be getting his committee together before the Summer season begins. Motion made by Ernie Hain and seconded by Ben Borgen and approved to accept the Safety & Rules Report.
Probably looking at $1,000 for banners. Chuck Brand will bring back definite figures next month.
1. Neil Melquist of the Audit Committee sent the report to necessary board members. Approved 2021 Audit Report.
2. Ernie Hain handed out the 2022 proposed budget. Their was discussion concerning the banners and jerseys. Their was discussion about the picnics but decided to stay with two for right now. Any new players get a free hat. We will leave $12 fee per session for 2022. It was decided to take line item memorabilia out of the budget. Motion by Gary Oldenburg, seconded by Ben Borgen and approved to accept the 2022 Budget.
3. Sponsor fees will stay at $300.00 for 2022.
4. Sponsor commitments are as follows: Dave Zemke, Black's and Thrivent; Bill Beaupre, Edward Jones, PrimeTime and Shorewood; Ben Borgen, C&M and Eagles; Deb Warnke, Charlies Eatery.
5. Mike Ewen sent the official letter to Park & Recreation official Ben Boldt for our official dates for Fields 3, 4 and 5 from May-September, 2022. Mike will ask Kenny Nelson to contact Stewartville for July 27.
6. We then discussed game schedules. We will have a 40 game schedule ending on Monday, September 26. Dave Warnke made a motion to have each team play each other twice in each session. Seconded by Bill Sutter. Their was discussion to eliminate playoffs. Dave Warnke then amended his motion to play 10 games if there are six teams each session. Seconded by Ben Borgen. Discussion followed the ammendment and it failed to pass. Then voted on original motion and it failed. We will go with schedule submitted by Mike with no playoff games.
7. Mike Ewen will compose a letter to the league with the increase fee of $48 for 2022. He then talked about the bylaws needing to be changed to reflect the Board members paying half and those over 80 paying half which would amount to $24. Motion by Gary Oldenburg, seconded by
Deb Warnke to change the bylaws. Motion carried. Hardship cases will be evaluated on a case by case review by the Executive Board.
8. Dave Zemke reported on the Dome ball survey sent out to see if players would want to travel to Austin or Dundas. Austin was 14 yes, 28 no; Dundas was 4 yes, 39 no; RCTC 39 yes, 5 no. Unless RCTC gets their Dome up, there will not be dome ball this year.
9. Next meeting is February 2, 2022.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:45 pm by Dave Zemke, seconded by Deb Warnke and approved.
Respectfully submitted electronically,
Bobette Pronk
RMSS Secretary
Any comments or concerns regarding these minutes should be directed to the League Coordinator. You are also encouraged to attend the RMSS board meetings to voice your comments and concerns.