Charlie's Eatery
January 25, 2021
The meeting was called to order at 11:55 am by President Randy Kahl.
Board Members: Randy Kahl, Ernie Hain, Jim Cook, Ben Borgen, John Bowron, Chuck Brand, Bill VonWald, Joe Koerner, Gary Oldenburg, Jim Goodman, Dave Warnke, Deb Warnke and Bobette Pronk.
Guests: Dave Zemke and Bill Beaupre.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: The Secretary’s report for the November 11, 2020 meeting was e-mailed prior to the Board meeting for members to review. Motion made by Ben Borgen, seconded and approved to accept the Secretary's Report.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Ernie Hain reported a balance of $4,526.67 in the RMSS account. There is $55.66 in the Designated account. Nothing outstanding. Motion made by Chuck Brand, seconded and carried to approve treasurer's report.
Jim Cook and Chuck Brand reported and showed examples of new hat and new jacket designs. New logo will cost us $200, which is a one time fee. It was agreed we would use the 2007 design with velcro that says RMSS on back and patch on the side. It was agreed to use the red/black handles illustration for the jackets. New members will receive the new hats. Both of these designs (hats and jackets) were approved by the Board. Jim, Chuck and Ben will go to C&M and get final costs, material, etc. Business cards will be discussed next meeting.
Ben Borgen reported that he will call Scott Schneider to see if the pool tournament will be held April 22-24. The 70 Plus team will happen with two more commitments. Still plan on having 70's team tournament end of August and after Labor Day. Received $111 from merchandise sales. Ben's cell number is 507-696-9961.
No report.
Joe Koerner reported he would like to combine the summer site and the dome site into one website. Consenus of the Board was to combine it. Joe is looking into a different development tool which would be similar to what we are paying now which is $145 every two years. It was discussed that some names need to be removed from the email list. Joe will bring the list to the next meeting.
Website updated.
Audit Committee done, yearly audit done.
Park and Rec fees staying the same for 2021.
Randy welcomed new board position members.
As was discussed at our November Board Meeting new shirts for 2021 are needed for Prime Time Health. Bill Beaupre will check with them to see what color they prefer.
Gary Oldenburg made a motion to remove the $120 for hats for new players from the proposed 2021 budget. It was seconded and approved. The 2021 budget was then approved. Ernie will send out a new budget.
Motion made by Ben, seconded and passed to reduce the sponsorship fees for 2021 to $200.00 for just this year.
Gordy Haubenschild will check on the AED in the spring.
The Activity Calendar for 2021 was discussed and decided to add a sign up date at Charlies at our April 14 Board meeting.
Jim Goodman reported on dome ball. It is up and running and working through Covid forms, etc. Trying to decide whether to have Friday practices. Have a average of 22 players on Monday's and 36 on Wednesday's. It was noted that Jim has done an excellent job coordinating dome ball.
Known managers for 2021 are Jim Goodman, Deb Warnke, Dave Warnke, Bill Gosse. Will check on the others who were managers in 2020.
Next meeting February 17 at 12:30 pm.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:20 pm by Ben Borgen, seconded by Jim Cook and approved.
Respectfully submitted electronically,
Bobette Pronk
RMSS Secretary
Any comments or concerns regarding these minutes should be directed to the League Coordinator. You are also encouraged to attend the RMSS board meetings to voice your comments and concerns.