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Charlie's Eatery 

February 2, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 12:00 pm by League Coordinator Mike Ewen. 


Board Members: Mike Ewen, Chuck Brand, Bill Sutter, Ben Borgen, John Bowron, Joe Koerner,  Deb Warnke, Gary Thomas, Gary Oldenburg, Dave Zemke, Dave Warnke, Jim Goodman, Tom Kowalewski, Bill Gosse and Bobette Pronk. 

GUESTS: Bill Beaupre and Orlie Friedrich 

Gary Thomas presented a gift of $2,000.00 from an anonymous person to be used as the Board feels appropriate for Rochester Senior Softball. Gary will contact the anonymous person as to what kind of thank you they would want as in if a jacket would be appropriate. 


The Secretary’s report for the January 2, 2022 meeting was emailed prior to the Board meeting for members to review. Motion made by Ben Borgen,  seconded by Deb Warnke and approved to accept the Secretary's Report. 


Treasurer Ernie Hain was absent so Mike reported a balance of 

$2,420.96 in the RMSS checking account. There is $970.66 in the Designated account. 

Motion made by Gary Oldenburg, seconded by Deb Warnke and approved to accept the treasurer's report. 


Joe Koerner reported that he is working on changing a few details on the website and would appreciate feedback from the Board. 

Motion made by Ben Borgen, seconded by Dave Zemke 

and approved to accept the Website Report. 


Gary Thomas reported he has ordered business cards. Changed picnic notice to two from four. 

Chuck Brand reported that flyers will be available soon. 

Motion made by Ben Borgen, seconded by Dave Warnke and approved to accept the Public Relations Report. 


Ben Borgen reported that he has 12 caps available for new players. D&R Tournment is scheduled for April 27-May 1 and Ben will email a sign up sheet for workers. 

Motion by Dave Warnke, seconded by Gary Thomas and approved to accept the Special Assistant Report. 


Bill Sutter reported he will be getting his committee together after the February 28 Board meeting. 

Motion made by Jim Goodman and seconded by John Bowron 

and approved to accept the Safety & Rules Report. 


1. Banners

Chuck having problems with contacting anyone at Graham Arena concerning putting banners there. Rec Center can do two banners. They would cost around $500 to get a finished product to hang in the dasher area. They would hang there for one year from the time they are put up. Ben will talk to Scott Schneider about a banner at the D&R Tournment. It was also decided to add a line to the registration page where someone who is playing for the first time could indicate how they found out about RMSS. At 125 Live we could put a flyer on the board they already have there. Also talked about seeing if we could put something in the Community Education Booklet. Will revisit the banners next month. 

2. Sponsor committee update. Dave Zemke, checks from Black's and Thrivent. Bill Beaupre,  check from Prime Time. Shorewood budgeted $200 so Bill will go back to Shorewood to see if 

he can get the additional $100, if not will consider a new sponsor. Ben Borgen, C&M is in but has not got their money yet. He will also contact Eagles. Deb Warnke, Charlies is in but needs to get the money from Charlie. 


1. Team managers for 2022 was discussed. 

Tom Kowalewski wants some time off. Bob Hewitt has decided to not manage in 2022. So we are looking for 2 additional managers for 2022. Mike will talk to some managerial suggestions. There was a show of hands by the Executive Board to accept the following managers for 2022: Jim Goodman, Dave Zemke, Bill Gosse, Deb Warnke, Dave Warnke and Chuck Brand. 

2. Shirt, hats and banners. 

Good on hats for 2022. We can use the oldest banner on field 2 and the other banners on fields 3, 4 and 5. Shirts-Dave Zemke good; Deb Warnke could use three or four more shirts; Chuck Brand is good; Dave Warnke is good but possibily next year new ones; Jim Goodman is good. Bill Gosse needs new shirts but decided to wait until we hear back if Shorewood will sponsor a team before ordering. 

3. John Bowron made a motion we put the $2,000.00 anonymous gift just received in the general fund. Deb Warnke seconded and it was approved. Discussion on using it for a new AED. Dave Zemke will check into prices, etc and get back to the Board. 

4. Ernie Hain talked to Think Bank about sponsoring a team and they declined. 

5. We then spent some time discussing Dome Ball led by Jim Goodman. First practice today, 2/2, went well. Michael at RCTC as informed us our rates for 2022 will stay the same as before at $6. Eighty year olds and above will play for free in the Dome. Strictly a drop in will $7 a day. Our numbers indicate we might make 50 players. Ben will work with Michael on tournment dates. Motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:30 pm by Ben Borgen, seconded by Joe Koerner and approved. 

Respectfully submitted electronically, 

Bobette Pronk 

RMSS Secretary 

Any comments or concerns regarding these minutes should be directed to the League 

Coordinator. You are also encouraged to attend the RMSS board meetings to voice your 

comments and concerns.

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