McQuillen Field
August 24, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 11:23 am by League Coordinator Mike Ewen.
Board Members: Mike Ewen, Chuck Brand, Ben Borgen, John Bowron, Joe Koerner, Deb
Warnke, Gary Oldenburg, Dave Warnke, Jim Goodman, Ernie Hain, Joe Koerner and Bill
GUESTS: Todd Holtorf
SECRETARY’S REPORT: The Secretary’s report for the July 18, 2022 meeting was accepted.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer, Ernie Hain, reported a balance of $6,185.62 in the RMSS checking account. There is $2,062.39 in the Designated account and $3,131.57 in the
Non-designated fund. Report accepted.
RULES COMMITTEE REPORT: Bill Sutter, Committee Chair, addressed the question of players sliding into first base. Players cannot slide into first base. The incident in
question was investigated and the player tripped and fell forward toward first base. There
was no attempt to slide.
SPECIAL ASSISTANT REPORT: Special Assistant, Ben Borgen, will invite Duane Peterson and his family to the end of the season picnic. Ben is exploring a hitting contest
to be held during the end of the season picnic. He is waiting on C & M for the banner and visors. Ben reported the national qualifying tournament over the previous weekend went
well. He will pursue reimbursement for the barn lime that was used during the tournament. Lifetime achievement award nominees are needed. The executive committee will discuss and approve the recipient of the award.
PUBLICITY DIRECTORS REPORT: Chuck Brand reported he is still waiting for the printer for the banners. He indicated that business cards and fliers are available.
Joe Koerner reported on the analytics of the website. There was discussion regarding the use of player’s names/pictures on the website. It was decided that the question regarding
the use of a player’s picture will be removed from the registration form. A player may request to not have their picture taken.
1. Rec Center flyers – previously addressed
2. RMSS coolies – Gary Thomas not in attendance. No update
3. Previously addressed. Order and waiting for printer
4. Illegal pitch email – sent by coordinator
5. 2nd Chalker has been purchased and is being used on field 2
6. Visors have been ordered.
1. Audit Committee members: Neil Melquist, Mark Podein and Joe Kluck
2. Election Committee members: Tim Allen and Christine Richardt. The current RMSS officers are all running unopposed for 2023. A “white ballot” vote will be held.
1. Discussed the September 26 end of season picnic. It was decided that ALS will be the charity in honor of Duane Peterson. Ben Borgen will check on a local ALS organization.
Dave Zemke will pursue matching funds from Thrivent to contribute to the picnic. Chuck Brand reported there is soda, water and paper products left over from the first picnic. He will pursue bids from bids from Charlie’s and the Eagles for catering.
2. RMSS sponsor contacts should contact them with an invitation to the September 26 picnic.
3. Officer candidates – previously discussed.
4. Pre-game Manager’s meeting discussed. John Bowron is doing a great job. The goal should be to balance the teams. The rules regarding this meeting were reviewed.
Managers can protect 10 players. A Committee will be formed to discuss potential changes to the draft and balancing of teams on game days. The committee will be named by end of October and bring recommendations to Board in early 2023.
5. The charity for the end of season picnic will be ALS as previously discussed.
6. Dave Zemke is organizing a golf tournament on 9/28/22 at the Zumbro Falls Golf Course. The fee is $35.00/play and includes golf and a meal.
7. It was clarified that when the new game ball for the day is hit out of play, it will be immediately exchanged for the backup ball when it is returned to the pitcher. Managers
will assure that pitchers are aware of this and implement it.
8. John Bowron reports that the league is down to 2 replacement bats. Mike Ewen will send an email to the league requesting players who have bats they no longer use donate
them to RMSS or sell them for a reasonable price Meeting adjourned at 12:46 pm.
Respectfully submitted electronically,
Deb Warnke
RMSS Secretary subbing for Bobette Pronk
Any comments or concerns regarding these minutes should be directed to the League Coordinator. You are also encouraged to attend the RMSS board meetings to voice your comments and concerns.