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Charlie's Eatery

April 14, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 12:30 pm by President Randy Kahl.


Board Members: Randy Kahl, Chuck Brand, Gary Oldenburg, Dave Warnke, Deb Warnke, Bill Sutter, Bill Gosse, Tom Kowalewski, Ben Borgen, Ernie Hain, John Bowron, Joe Koerner, Jim Goodman, Dave Zemke, Bill VonWald and Bobette Pronk.

Guests: Doug Johnson, Bob Horsman, Orlie Friedrich and Curt Callstrom.

SECRETARY’S REPORT:   The Secretary’s report for the March 17, 2021 meeting was e-mailed prior to the Board meeting for members to review.  Motion made by Ben Borgen, seconded by Deb Warnke and approved to accept the Secretary's Report.

TREASURER’S REPORT:   Treasurer Ernie Hain reported a balance of $5,303.45 in the RMSS account. There is $55.66 in the Designated account. Seven of the eight sponsors have paid and has around 70 registrations for 2021.  Just waiting for the Eagles sponsorship money. Motion made by Gary Oldenburg, seconded  by Dave Warnke and carried to approve the treasurer's report.


Joe Koerner reported he has until June to get things converted to the new website.


Jim Cook reported he has 500 new business cards. Chuck Brand reported that almost all the new flyers are gone.


Ben Borgen reported that RMSS made $415 from the pool tournament. They might try to have another one in May. He has received $52 from merchandize sales. Fifty-one hats have been distributed. Ben has talked to the Twins ticket office and it is month to month as to how many fans can attend a Twins game. Hopefully we will be able to get some free tickets but nothing firmed up yet. He is taking jacket orders for the new jackets and has six spoken for. He talked about Lifetime Achievement awards and the Executive Board will make that decision. Banners are ready to go. He will be running a tournament in Rochester on September 11.


Bill Sutter reported he checked on screens and all equipment was neatly put away last Fall and available for summer ball.


1. Ben Borgen showed the new jacket to everyone. A motion made by Ben, seconded by Jim Cook and approved to go forward with them.

2. Ernie Hain made a motion in the event we increase a budget item dollar amount, that increase will be accounted for elsewhere in the budgeted expenses, so the approved budget remains the same. Seconded by Gary Oldenburg and carried.


1. John Bowron reported he will get a new battery for the AED machine.

2. We should be able to have six teams per the number of registration forms so far.

3. Team Managers for the 2021 season at this time are Bill Gosse-Shorewood, Dave Warnke-C&M, Deb Warnke-Charlies, Dave Zemke-Thrivent, Chuck Brand-Black's Auto, Jim Goodman-Edward Jones, Bob Hewitt-Eagles and Tom Kowalewski-PrimeTime. Charlies and Shorewood will sit out the first session.

4. First outdoor practice will depend on the weather, of course.

5. Draft for the first session will take place April 26, 11:00 AM at the Eagles.

6. Dave Warnke made a motion if you sign up late, you go into the pool play-no exceptions and that means paper work has to be in. Dave Zemke seconded and motion carried.

7. John Bowron will decide where the pool players play as he did last year.

8. Dave Zemke will look into the lime situation and purchase more if needed.

9. Jim Goodman reported Dome Ball is going well.

10. We will use the same covid restrictions we did last year.

Next meeting May 12 at 11:30 pm. Place will depend on the weather.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:15 pm by Deb Warnke, seconded by Gary Oldenburg   and approved.

Respectfully submitted electronically,

Bobette Pronk

RMSS Secretary

Any comments or concerns regarding these minutes should be directed to the League Coordinator. You are also encouraged to attend the RMSS board meetings to voice your comments and concerns.

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